Application, Enrollment Agreement & Disclosure



Application for Admission to Heritage Genealogical College

First Name _______ Middle Name ________Last Name ___________________ Mailing Address ___________________City________ State __________ Zip Code _____ Phone Number ________________________ Email Address: _______________________ Name of High School _____________________ Graduation Date _______________ High School GPA ____ (attach high school transcripts) SAT Score _____ (attach proof) Start Date ___________________ End Date ____________________________ Universities/Colleges Attended ___________________________________________ (university/college transcripts should be sent directly from the university(ies)/college(s) attended to Heritage Genealogical College Admissions Office) College GPA ______ (attach brief resume about yourself, interests, hobbies, etc.) Degree Desired: Certificate ________ Associate ________ Bachelor _________
List any genealogical or historical research experience: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Enclose $30.00 admission evaluation fee and send to Heritage Genealogical College, 1449 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106.

NOTE: Brigham Young University Family History and Genealogy students and degree holders wishing to have a research degree from Heritage Genealogical College must have transcripts sent for transfer credit evaluation towards the HGC degrees. Please send to:
Heritage Genealogical College 1449 East 3300 South Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Phone: (801) 483-1015 Fax: 801-944-9768

Enrollment Agreement

REGISTERED UNDER THE UTAH POSTSECONDARY PROPRIETARY SCHOOL ACT (Title 13, Chapter 34, Utah Code) Registration under the Utah Postsecondary Proprietary School Act does not mean that the State of Utah supervises, recommends, nor accredits the institution. It is the student’s responsibility to determine whether credits, degrees, or certificates from the institution will transfer to other institutions or meet employers’ training requirements. This may be done by calling the prospective school and employer. This institution is not accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

First Name __________Middle Name_____________ Last Name _____________ Mailing Address _______________________________ State ___ Zip Code _____ Social Security Number ____________________ Phone ____________________ Please indicate which program is being applied for: One-Year Certificate in Genealogical Research (40 semester credit hours) Associate of Genealogical Research (66 semester credit hours)

Bachelor of Genealogical Research with a history minor (127 semester credit hours) Please check two genealogical specialty areas (one from the United States and the other from a foreign country or ethnic US area): _____ African American US Gen Research _____ British Isles Genealogical Research _____ French/Italian Genealogical Research _____ German Genealogical Research _____ Midwestern US Genealogical Research _____ Native American Indian US Res. _____ New England/North Eastern US Res. _____ Scandinavian Genealogical Res. _____ Southern US Genealogical Res. _____ Spanish/Portuguese/Brazilian Res. _____ Western US Genealogical Research

Please indicate which courses and how many credit hours for: Home Study (Internet Courses for

Undergraduate Degree and Live Web Research Workshops): ____________________________________________________

In-Person (Seminars, Continuing Education, and/or Master Degree only): __________________________________________________________________

Intensive Genealogical Internship(s) (3 to 5 semester credit hours): _________________

Certificate of Completion (for One-Year Certificate): ____________________________






NOTE: The Genealogical Research degree provides training in and prepares students upon successful completion of courses for careers in:

Genetic/Medical Genealogical Research

Legal/Missing Heirs Genealogical Research

Tracing Ancestry/Professional Genealogist

Historian Editor or Writer of Historical or Genealogical Publications

Teacher of Genealogical Research and/or History

Tuition and Fees For Fall Semester, 2024

College Undergraduate Hour(s) Cost

1 $275.00

2 $350.00

3 $430.00

4 $510.00

5 $590.00

6 $650.00

7 $750.00

8 $830.00

9 $910.00

10 $989.00

11 $1,185.00

12-18 $1,265.00

19 $1,345.00

20 $1,425.00

21 $1,505.00


An estimate of total tuition cost for 127 semester credit hours over a four-year period is approximately $12,500.00 to $13,000.00. Required textbook prices are not included and could be approximately $200.00 to $400.00 per semester depending upon classes taken. Admissions

Admission Policy: Students of either sex and of any race, creed, religion, age, or national origin
are accepted for admission to Heritage Genealogical College.





Important Notice: When admissions applications reach the maximum number allowed by the Heritage Genealogical College Board (even if this occurs before the semester deadline date), the Admissions Office will only consider applications for in-person classes for the next possible semester. The maximum class size at this time has yet to be determined per projected graduating class. The Home-Study (Internet) option is open to students to all for the undergraduate degree.

Students may satisfy some requirements through the Home-study (Internet) program once the HGC Master Degree program is set up. Deadlines and Fees: In general, enrollment priority is determined by the order in which completed applications are received. Applications are normally filed from three to nine months prior to the term for which admission is desired. Following are deadlines for filing applications.

When the deadline falls on a weekend, no late-handling fees are assessed on applications received the Monday following the deadline. The collection of prepaid or unearned tuition and fees must be limited to four months of training, plus registration or start-up costs not to exceed $200 or an alternative amount that the institution can demonstrate to have spent in undertaking a student’s instruction.

Fall Semester June 4 (and if classes are not full) extended to August 15, 2024) Winter Semester November 24. Spring/Summer Semester is currently being restructured to in-person intensive seminars. A $30 processing fee is required with all first-time applications. Applications, accepted after the deadline, are assessed an additional $15 late handling fee and are not considered for that semester until all fees are paid and all credentials are received in the Admissions Office. Fees are non-refundable and are subject to change without prior notice. Notification of Status:

Applications are reviewed after all required materials are received, and applicants are notified of their admission status as soon as possible. Students denied admission have the option of requesting a personal interview and review of their credentials with a member of the Heritage Genealogical College Board.

A student whose denial is sustained after such a review may continue the appeal. If there are unusual circumstances that make your grades or ACT test scores less than your learning potential, please indicate that on your application or in your appeal.

Conditions of Admission: Admission granted prior to high school graduation is contingent upon satisfactory completion of graduation requirements and is revoked if the student does not graduate or if final work is not satisfactory. The offer of admission is valid only for the semester indicated. Applicants for a particular semester who do not attend that term and then wish to be considered for a subsequent semester must submit a renewal application and appropriate fee to the Admissions Office. Freshman Student Admission: Students apply for admission by completing an Admission Form by the above deadlines with the $30.00 application fee along with sending either an ACT score or SAT score and high school transcripts.

In general, no high school GPA less than 2.0 will be admitted. ACT and SAT test scores are considered on an individual basis and any unusual circumstances that would make your ACT or SAT test scores less than your learning potential should be noted on your Admission Form.

Minority or Other Special Consideration Applicants: Ethnic minority or other special consideration applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for admission may request that the Heritage Genealogical College Board review their application and supporting credentials.

Special consideration may be given to those students believed to have a great academic potential than test scores and GPA may indicate.

Admission of Non-High School Graduates: An applicant who has not completed requirements for high school graduation but whose high school class has graduated may be admitted by review and acceptance of the Heritage Genealogical College Board.

A transcript of any high school credits earned must be filed, and the applicant must pass the GED with an average score of 55 and with no individual score below 50. An ACT test score must also be submitted, and being beyond the age of compulsory high school attendance, as prescribed by Utah law.  (See Rule 152-34-4(3) of the Utah Administrative Code.)  

Transfer Student Admission: An application for admission, a processing fee, and supporting credentials must be filed with the Admissions Office by the published deadlines described earlier in this section. Applications received after deadlines are subject to the late handling fee.

Official transcripts must be mailed directly to the Heritage Genealogical College Admissions Office from the records office of all colleges or universities previously attended.

Transcripts submitted for admission become the property of the College and are not returned; policy does not permit Heritage Genealogical College to duplicate transcripts from other universities or colleges or to return a transcript to a student.

If the student seeking transfer admission has completed less than 30 semester hours of acceptable transfer work, a high school transcript and ACT or SAT test scores are required. Applicants with 30 semester hours or more of transferable work and a cumulative college-level GPA of 2.5 or higher are likely to be admitted.

Applicants with a cumulative GPA of 2.35 to 2.49 may be admitted. Those with a cumulate GPA below 2.35 will likely be denied. The Heritage Genealogical College Board will review additional information for applicants requesting special consideration.

Transfer credit earned in residence at other accredited collegiate institutions is normally accepted for advanced standing if the work is parallel in nature to programs offered at this college, and if grades of C- or better have been earned in the credited courses.

No transfer credit toward a bachelor’s degree is allowed for courses graded below C-. The transfer evaluation and summary of transfer credit is subject to audit and re-evaluation. Please note that an associate of applied science degree does not automatically clear general education requirements.

Academic Standards Dean’s List: Students who earn a 3.5 GPA or better for a least 12 graded credit hours for an academic semester are placed on the dean’s list.


Minimum GPA: All undergraduate students are required to maintain a cumulative GP of at least 2.0 – C average.  Transfer students should be aware that the cumulative GPA is computed only on the basis of Heritage Genealogical College course work.

Probation/Registration Holds: A student who fails to maintain a cumulative GPA or at least 2.0 is placed on scholastic probation. Students whose most recent semester and cumulative GPA are below 2.0 have a hold placed on their future registration. The College will notify the student prior to the next registration period and will let the student know what he or she must do to clear it. If a student with a probationary GPA is permitted to register, conditions may be prescribed under which such registration is allowed.

Readmission of Probation Students: Probation students must initiate the readmission process at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester they plan to attend. Suspension: A student whose semester GPA is below 2.0 for three semesters while the cumulative grade point average has been continuously below 2.0, is subject to suspension for two semesters. In extenuating circumstances, students may appeal the suspension to the Heritage Genealogical College Board. Students who wish to return to the College after their suspension period must petition to the Heritage Genealogical College Board no later than two months before the beginning of the semester they wish to attend.

Grading and Records Grade point averages are computed by assigning numeric values to the letter grades: Letter Grade Values

A 4.0

A- 3.7

B+ 3.4

B 3.0

B- 2.7

C+ 2.4

C 2.0

C- 1.7

D+ 1.4

D 1.0

D- 0.7

F 0.0

W, UW, I, IF, WF all receive 0.0 grades.


The grade given in a course is the teacher’s evaluation of the student’s performance, achievement, and understanding in that subject as covered in the class.

The following adjectives indicate the meaning of the letter grades:

A Excellent

B Good

C Satisfactory

D Minimum Passing

F Failure


If a student withdraws officially from a class during the first ten class days of a semester, the
permanent record will not show a registration for that class. If the student properly withdraws
from a class between the eleventh and twenty-fifth class days of a semester, the record will be marked W withdrawal.

A WF grade will be given if a student petitions to withdraw from a class after the deadline and he or she is failing the class at that time.

A UW grade indicates that a student unofficially withdrew or stopped attending a class and did not officially withdraw with the Registration Office. An instructor should give a UW when a student stops attending a class before the non-academic emergency deadline of a semester and does not take the final exam. In addition, if an instructor fails to assign a student a letter grade on the grade roll, the student will automatically receive the grade UW. The UW is calculated in the GPA as a failing grade. The letter grade,

I (Incomplete), is given on a contractual basis with the instructors for students who are eligible to complete the work in a prescribed time period. An incomplete is only given when extenuating circumstances (serious illness, death in the immediate family, etc.) occur after the twelfth week of a semester. The Incomplete Grade Contract must accompany the grade roll. Or the grade will be changed to an F. An Incomplete is never given when one is failing or has failed the course. The instructor should indicate a specific length of time in which the student must complete the incomplete, not to exceed one year.

Class attendance in a subsequent semester or re-registration is not permitted to make up the incomplete. In some special instances, such as a lab class, attendance may be required for the portion of the class or lab section missed. Once the work has been completed, the instructor should complete the portion for the Incomplete Grade Contract, showing the grade earned and submit the form to the Records Office. An Incomplete is computed in the grade point average as a failing grade until the course work has been completed and the official grade has been submitted by the instructor. The grade IF indicates that the time period for completing the incomplete grade has expired. The IF grade is computed as a failing grade.

All classes except for internships, apprenticeships, and those requiring outside research to complete are on-line. Students enrolled in the in-person classes are expected to attend at least 90% of those unless some other arrangement is made with the instructor. With most of the information for those enrolled in-person, there is flexibility with attendance.

Your attendance and being tardy do not count as part of your grade. As a courtesy to instructors, students are expected to inform instructors that they will not be in attendance before the class begins.


The Records Office is the official guardian of all permanent records of all academic work done at the College. The office is also responsible for issuing official transcripts of credit. Official transcripts include only courses completed through Heritage Genealogical College.


Classification of Students

At the beginning of each semester, students are classified for that semester as follows: Credit Hours Earned Classification 1-30 Freshman 31-61 Sophomore 62-91 Junior 92 and over Senior. 

Student Records Policy

Student educational records at Heritage genealogical College are generally accessible to students who are admitted and enrolled. Students may petition to have mistakes in records corrected or to explain any extenuating circumstances for failure, incomplete grades, etc. Students are encouraged to check their transcripts for accuracy.

Transcript Record Holds

A hold will be placed on a student’s record for failure to meet college obligations (fees outstanding, etc.). Until the obligation is fulfilled, no copy of the academic record or diploma or information about the record will be released, and graduation may be delayed or denied.


To withdraw from Heritage Genealogical College, students who have registered for classes must officially discontinue. Please contact the Admissions Office to do this. Students who have registered for classes and paid tuition must officially discontinue to drop classes and initiate a tuition refund. Students who have registered for classes but have not paid tuition must also discontinue. If these students do not withdraw before the start of classes, they will be billed for tuition up to the official date of discontinuance. If discontinuing during or after the sixth week of theemesterr, obtain signatures of individual class instructors (student is now responsible for grades earned in class). The instructor will indicate an official withdrawal (W) or an academically failing (WF) withdrawal grade.

Students who leave the College under emergency conditions and subsequently do not return still have the responsibility to discontinue before the discontinuance deadline. Official termination can be completed by contacting the Admissions Office at the earliest possible time.

Placement Assistance will be offered by informing students of employment opportunities available at the time of graduation.

Refund Policy for Both Withdrawn and Dismissed Students:

Tuition Adjustment – Status Change Between Part-Time and Full-Time After classes begin, a part-time student who increases the number of credit hours and remains a part-time student must pay tuition for these additional hours on the day they are added. If this is not done, a late fee may be assessed. A change to full-time status requires that additional tuition be paid, plus the late fee.

A full-time student dropping to part-time student who decreases credit hours may be entitled to a tuition refund. A refund request must be initiated by the student. A full refund of the difference between full-time assessment and part-time assessment will be allowed until the scheduled last day for adding classes. Refunds for courses dropped after that date will be subject to the refund rate schedule listed under tuition Charge/Refund – Discontinuance.



Before semester begins $50.00

After semester begins $90.00

Students whose tuition check is dishonored by the bank will be charged the late fee in effect at the time the check is redeemed

Tuition Charge/Refund – Discontinuance

When a student officially discontinues from the college, a partial refund of tuition and fees paid may be appropriate. Any refund due will be paid by check, through the mail, approximately 10 days from the date on which the student requests discontinuance. Any unpaid college charges will be deducted from the refund amount.

If a student discontinues or drops in status from full-time to part-time and has received a loan, any institutional refund due the student, will be returned to the lending institution through which the student received the loan.

NOTE: Late fees are not refundable. The amount of the refund a student will receive is based on the date a student reports such discontinuance to Heritage Genealogical College.

Start and Ending Dates of Programs depends upon the semester started and if continuous study without interruption is done. 

Fall Semester 2024 starts August 23, 2024 and ends December 16, 2024.


Winter Semester 2022 starts January 9, 2025 and ends May 4, 2025.


Spring/Summer Semester 2025 starts May 15, 2025 and ends August 5, 2025.























Disclosure Statement for Heritage Genealogical College,

1449 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106


Heritage Genealogical College provides both in-person classroom instruction as well as Internet instruction of genealogical education. The courses provided are designed to provide a well-rounded education to the students in order to prepare them for work in the following fields:

Genetic/Medical Genealogical Research

Legal/Missing Heirs Genealogical Research

Tracing Ancestry/Professional Genealogist

Historian Editor or Writer of Historical or Genealogical Publications

Teacher of Genealogical Research and/or History


The faculty consists of professional genealogists, medical professionals, as well as Heritage
Genealogical Students who have completed the Genealogical Bachelor Degree requirements, and many of our students who have completed the Certificate and/or Associate Degree at Heritage Genealogical College, will also be considered for faculty employment. 

Heritage Genealogical College has a small library of genealogical materials as well as a microfilm reader for interlibrary loan of microfilms between colleges and universities.

Our instructional programs consist of the Certificate Program in Genealogical Research, the Associate of Arts Degree in Genealogical Research, and the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Genealogical Research with a History Minor.

Enrollment Qualifications - Admissions Admission’s Policy:

Students of either sex and of any race, creed, religion, age, or national origin are accepted for admission to Heritage Genealogical College.

Important Notice:

When admissions applications reach the maximum number allowed by the Heritage Genealogical College Board (even if this occurs before the semester deadline date), the
Admissions Office will only consider applications for the next possible semester. The maximum class size at this time has yet to be determined per projected in-person, post graduating class.

The Home-Study (Internet) option is open to students who are waiting to get into an in-person post graduating class. Students may satisfy some requirements through the Home-study (Internet) program. 

Deadlines and Fees:

In general, enrollment priority is determined by the order in which completed applications are received. Applications are normally filed from three to nine months prior to the term for which admission is desired. Following are deadlines for filing applications. When the deadline falls on a weekend, no late-handling fees are assessed on applications received the Monday following the deadline.


The collection of prepaid or unearned tuition and fees must be limited to four months of training, plus registration or start-up costs not to exceed $200 or an alternative amount that the institution can demonstrate to have spent in undertaking a student’s instruction. Fall Semester June 4, Winter Semester November 24 (date may be extended if enrollment is not full) A $30 processing fee is required with all first-time applications. Applications, accepted after the deadline, are assessed an additional $15 late handling fee and are not considered for that semester until all fees are paid and all credentials are received in the Admissions Office. Fees are non- refundable and are subject to change without prior notice.

Notification of Status:

Applications are reviewed after all required materials are received, and applicants are notified of their admission status as soon as possible. Students denied admission have the option of requesting a personal interview and review of their credentials with a member of the Heritage Genealogical College Board. A student whose denial is sustained after such a review may continue the appeal. If there are unusual circumstances that make your grades or ACT test scores less than your learning potential, please indicate that on your application or in your appeal.

Conditions of Admission:

Admission granted prior to high school graduation is contingent upon satisfactory completion of graduation requirements and is revoked if the student does not graduate or if final work is not satisfactory. The offer of admission is valid only for the semester indicated. Applicants for a particular semester who do not attend that term and then wish to be considered for a subsequent semester must submit a renewal application and appropriate fee to the Admissions Office.

Freshman Student Admission:

Students apply for admission by completing an Admission Form by the above deadlines with the $30.00 application fee along with sending either an ACT score or SAT score and high school transcripts. In general, no high school GPA less than 2.0 will be admitted. ACT and SAT test scores are considered on an individual basis and any unusual circumstances that would make your ACT or SAT test scores less than your learning potential should be noted on your Admission Form.

Minority or Other Special Consideration Applicants:

Ethnic minority or other special consideration applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for admission may request that the Heritage Genealogical College Board review their application and supporting credentials. Special consideration may be given to those students believed to have a great academic potential than test scores and GPA may indicate.

Admission of Non-High School Graduates:

An applicant who has not completed requirements for high school graduation but whose high school class has graduated may be admitted by review and acceptance of the


Heritage Genealogical College Board. The requirements for this approval require: 1) a transcript of any high school credits earned must be filed, 2) the applicant is beyond the age of compulsory high school attendance, as prescribed by Utah law (See Rule R152-34-4(3) of the Utah administrative Code, and 3) the applicant must pass the GED with an average score of 55 and with no individual score below 50. An ACT test score must also be submitted.

Transfer Student Admission:

An application for admission, a processing fee, and supporting credentials must be filed with the Admissions Office by the published deadlines described earlier in this section. Applications received after deadlines are subject to the late handling fee. Official transcripts must be mailed directly to the Heritage Genealogical College Admissions Office form the records office of all colleges or universities previously attended. Transcripts submitted for admission become the property of the College and are not returned; policy does not permit Heritage Genealogical College to duplicate transcripts from other universities or colleges or to return a transcript to a student. If the student seeking transfer admission has completed less than 30 semester hours of acceptable transfer work, a high school transcript and ACT or SAT test scores are required.

Applicants with 30 semester hours or more of transferable work and a cumulative college-level GPA of 2.5 or higher are likely to be admitted. Applicants with a cumulative GPA of 2.35 to 2.49 may be admitted. Those with a cumulative GPA below 2.35 will likely be denied. The Heritage Genealogical College Board will review additional information for applicants requesting special consideration. Transfer credit earned in residence at other accredited collegiate institutions is normally accepted for advanced standing if the work is parallel in nature to programs offered at this college, and if grades of C- or better have been earned in the credited courses. No transfer credit toward a bachelor’s degree is allowed for courses graded below C-.

The transfer evaluation and summary of transfer credit is subject to audit and re-evaluation. Please note that an associate of applied science degree does not automatically clear general education requirements.

State Licensing Requirements for Genealogy Related Work – Currently, there are no state regulations of the genealogical research and related work profession. 

Certificate Program or Associate of Arts Degree.

These students work as Teacher Assistants and work closely with the professional genealogical faculty. Upon completion of their tuition payment fees will be assessed full-time and part-time students for failure to pay tuition by scheduled deadlines. The late fee will also be assessed students who pay less than full-time tuition by the deadline but who are then or late become registered for full-time status. Fall semester deadline for paying full tuition is September 15, 2020 and Winter semester deadline is February 9, 2021.

The first tuition payment is not due until the third week of the semester giving students the opportunity to evaluate courses before withdrawing. Students not submitting assignments or receiving books, supplies, etc. during this time, will not have to pay anything to Heritage Genealogical College.



Tuition and Fees, Other Charges and Expenses

Tuition and Fees For Fall Semester, 2022 College Undergraduate Hour(s) Cost

1 $275.00

2 $350.00

3 $430.00

4 $510.00

5 $590.00

6 $650.00

7 $750.00

8 $830.00

9 $910.00

10 $989.00

11 $1,185.00

12-18 $1,265.00

19 $1,345.00

20 $1,425.00

21 $1,505.00

Tuition and Fees For Winter Semester, 2023, College Undergraduate (same as Fall 2022) Tuition and Fees For Spring/Summer Semester, 2023 College Undergraduate (same as Fall 2022)

Heritage Genealogical College has not raised its tuition since 2009. An estimate of total tuition cost for 127 semester credit hours over a four-year period is as low as $10, 120 if a student goes full time each semester or approximately $12,500.00 to $13,000.00 if a student takes fewer hours each semester. Required textbook prices are not included and could be approximately $200.00 to $400.00 per semester depending upon classes taken.


The collection of prepaid or unearned tuition and fees must be limited to four months of training, plus registration or start-up costs not to exceed $200 or an alternative amount that the institution can demonstrate to have spent in undertaking a student’s instruction.


Students may pay tuition over a five-month period of time, just prior to and during the semester. No interest is charged to the student for doing this. The first payment is not due until three weeks after the semester begins, then each month a payment of 1/5 of the total tuition is due. The last payment is due just before the beginning of the next semester and after the end of the semester payments began.


At this time, none of Heritage Genealogical College’s courses are less than four months in length. If they were, then full tuition is to be paid in advance.








To withdraw from Heritage Genealogical College, students who have registered for classes must officially discontinue. Please contact the Admissions Office to do this. Students who have registered for classes and paid tuition must officially discontinue to drop classes and initiate a tuition refund. Students who have registered for classes but have not paid tuition must also discontinue. If these students do not withdraw before the start of classes, they will be billed for tuition up to the official date of discontinuance. If discontinuing during or after the sixth week of the semester, obtain signatures of individual class instructors (student is now responsible for grades earned in class). The instructor will indicate an official withdrawal (W) or an
academically failing (WF) withdrawal grade.


Students who leave the College under emergency conditions and subsequently do not return still have the responsibility to discontinue before the discontinuance deadline. Official termination can be completed by contacting the Admissions Office at the earliest possible time.


Placement Assistance will be offered by informing students of employment opportunities available at the time of graduation.


Refund Policy for Both Withdrawn and Dismissed Students:


A three-business-day cooling-off period, commencing with the day an enrollment agreement with the applicant is signed or an initial deposit or payment toward tuition and fees of the institution is made, until midnight of the third business day following such date or from the date that the student first visits the institution, whichever is later, during which time the contract may be rescinded and all monies paid refunded. Evidence of personal appearance at the institution or deposit of a written statement of withdrawal for delivery by mail or other means shall be deemed as meeting the terms of the cooling-off period.


A student enrolled in a correspondence institution may withdraw from enrollment following the cooling-off period, prior to submission by the student of any lesson materials or prior to receipt of course materials, whichever comes first, and effective upon deposit of a written statement of withdrawal for delivery by mail or other means, and the institution shall he entitled to retain no more than $200 in tuition or fees as registration charges or an alternative amount that the institution can demonstrate to have been expended in preparation for that particular student’s enrollment. Any student who withdraws after the three-business-day cooling-off period or after a student enrolled in internet courses has submitted lesson materials or been in receipt of course materials will have to pay tuition to cover expenses for any books, supplies, etc. or for any instructor who has graded his/her work.


The first tuition payment is not due until the third week of the semester giving students the opportunity to evaluate courses before withdrawing. Students not submitting assignments or receiving books, supplies, etc. during this time, will not have to pay anything to Heritage Genealogical College.




A pay-as-you-learn payment schedule that limits a student’s prospective contractual obligation(s), at any one time, to the institution for tuition and fees to four months of training, plus registration or start-up costs not to exceed $200 or an alternative amount the institution can demonstrate to have spent in undertaking a student’s instruction.


Tuition Adjustment –


Status Change Between Part-Time and Full-Time After classes begin, a part-time student who increases the number of credit hours and remains a part-time student must pay tuition for these additional hours on the day they are added. If this is not done, a late fee may be assessed. A change to full-time status requires that additional tuition be paid, plus the late fee.

A full-time student dropping to part-time student who decreases credit hours may be entitled to a tuition refund. A refund request must be initiated by the student. A full refund of the difference between full-time assessment and part-time assessment will be allowed until the scheduled last day for adding classes. Refunds for courses dropped after that date will be subject to the refund rate schedule listed under tuition Charge/Refund – Discontinuance.


Late Tuition Payment Fee Late tuition payment fees will be assessed full-time and part-time students for failure to pay tuition by scheduled deadlines. The late fee will also be assessed students who pay less than full-time tuition by the deadline but who are then or late become registered for full-time status. Fall semester deadline for paying full tuition is January 9, 2023 and Winter semester deadline is June 4, 2023.




Before semester begins $50.00

After semester begins 90.00


Students whose tuition check is dishonored by the bank will be charged the late fee in effect at the time the check is redeemed.


Tuition Charge/Refund – Discontinuance


When a student officially discontinues from the college, a partial refund of tuition and fees paid
may be appropriate. Any refund due will be paid by check, through the mail, approximately 10 days from the date on which the student requests discontinuance. Any unpaid college charges will be deducted from the refund amount. If a student discontinues or drops in status form full-time to part-time and has received a loan, any institutional refund due the student, will be returned to the lending institution through which the student received the loan. NOTE: Late fees are not refundable. The amount of the refund a student will receive is based on the date a student reports such discontinuance to Heritage Genealogical College.


The following rates apply to tuition.


Debt Collection Fees Students’ past-due debts are referred to a collection agency if the debt cannot be collected within a reasonable time. In addition to paying the debt, the student debtor

-                                                                      15-

will be required to pay the collection agency fees before obtaining a release of a financial hold on his or her transcript or before being considered for readmission. Also, eligibility for graduation may be delayed of denied.


Financial Assistance Surety Bond Posted with the State of Utah Department of Commerce for $12,500.00

Program Lengths The Certificate Program = 3 semesters for full-time student, 40 hours

The Genealogical Associate Degree in Genealogical Research = 4 semesters for full-time students, 66 hours 


Bachelor Degree in Genealogical Research = 8 semesters for full-time students. 127 hours

Master Degree in Forensic Genealogical Research = 4 semesters for full-time students (not available yet)


Graduation Rates:


As of July 24, 2022, there were ten (10) students who have achieved the Genealogical Certificate; six (6) students who has graduated with his Associate of Arts in Genealogical Research and five (5) students who have graduated with the Bachelor of Arts in Genealogical Research.


The first class was taught at the Salt Lake Community College, in Salt Lake City, UT (Redwood Road Campus) in January, 2001 and continued at that campus until May, 2005.


Afterwards, Heritage Genealogical College operated independently of other colleges and continues to do so today.


Employment Rates


Three of the students who completed their Genealogical Certificate with Heritage Genealogical College have worked as Teacher Assistants for Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, UT, and two have taught at Heritage Genealogical College, Salt Lake City, Utah after it left SLCC. Two students were placed with professional genealogical firms in Salt Lake City, UT and did supervised research for pay while they continue their education. Three additional students have begun their own professional genealogical research companies and do genealogical research for their own private clients while attending classes. One of these two students worked for The Taylorsville Clipper, Taylorsville, Utah, writing the Genealogy Column for several months before the paper went out of business. This same student was hired by the Granite School District Continuing Education program to teach Genealogy Fall 2006. Three students were published (two students more than one article) in genealogical publications and received payment for their articles. Their articles were written as class assignments and submitted and accepted by magazines unaffiliated with Heritage Genealogical College. An additional student was hired by a legal assistance firm in Salt Lake City, Utah. Another student

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was employed by a cemetery in Bountiful, Utah. She researches unused grave sites to find the current owners and buys them back to resale or to offer them for sale by owner. She took two classes from HGC and classes from another genealogy program. She uses the skills that she obtained in the Missing Heirs class at HGC for her job at the cemetery. One of our students worked as an apprentice to a Genealogist - Private Detective and a California-based missing heirs firm. She did this for two years.

Credentials Awarded and Graduation Requirements


In order to graduate from any of the programs, you must complete all required hours of your chosen program as well as complete each class with a grade of 70% or higher.


Those who complete requirements for the Heritage Genealogical Certificate may use the initials HGCC following their name. Those who complete requirements for the Associate of Arts degree in Genealogical Research may use the initials, AA from Heritage Genealogical College or HGCAA. Those who complete requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Genealogical



I, the undersigned, have read, understand and agree to abide by all the provisions set forth in the foregoing enrollment agreement.


Signature__________________________________ Date_______________


Signature of Heritage Genealogical College Representative:


__________________________________________ Date _______________















Last modified: Friday, 11 October 2024, 4:29 PM